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INC’ROCK FESTIVAL 2019 Inc'Rock BW Festival·Jeudi 22 novembre 2018 Rendez-vous du 3 au 5 mai 2019 à Incourt #irf19 ◄► PROGRAMMATION ◄► Vendredi 3 mai : Koba LaD, Senamo, Rk_officiel, Caballero & JeanJass, Maes LDS, PLK Samedi 4 mai : 7 Jaws, G.A.N, The Magician, Seyté, 47...

Kid Noize will release at Universal his second CD album, "The man with a monkey face", January 25, 2019, in parallel with the comic book published by Dupuis. The next live tour will start soon. Between sonorities electro and tropical heat, the Kid widens his...

Kid Noize will release at Universal his second CD album, "The man with a monkey face", January 25, 2019, in parallel with the comic book published by Dupuis. The next live tour will start soon. Between sonorities electro and tropical heat, the Kid widens his...

Kid Noize + Support Act and Afterparty. Kid Noize will release at Universal his second CD album, "The man with a monkey face", January 25, 2019, in parallel with the comic published by Dupuis. The next live tour will start soon. Between sonorities electro and tropical heat,...

Scene Proximus - 00:45 While his second album will be released early 2019 and we will reserve many surprises, and a comic book is also on the program, Kid Noize will have his head in the stars Saturday, July 20 at Spa as he will play his...

Avec The Man with a Monkey Face(son dernier album), KID NOIZE transformera LA SUCRERIE en une jungle baignée par les rythmes chauds et intenses. KID NOIZE est une fiction dans le monde réel, un héros venu d’un univers parallèle. Artiste pluridisciplinaire : derrière une caméra, une platine...

His new album released by Universal Music Belgium on the 25th January 2019 is simply, but thoughtfully called ‘The Man With A Monkey Face’....